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64-73 Ford Mustang

64-73 Ford Mustang Zündkerze


inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Motor - Zündanlage
Unterkategorie: Sekundäre Zündung
Produktart: Zündkerze

Platinkerzen bieten bei erschwerten Einsatzbedingungen eine erhöhte Lebensdauer und Zündsicherheit. Sie haben folgende Vorteile:
Der Werkstoff Platin (Edelmetall) gestattet es, die Mittelelektrode sehr dünn zu gestalten. Hierdurch wird der Zündspannungsbedarf reduziert und somit hohe Zündsicherheit erreicht.
Durch die Form der Elektroden wird eine gute Gemischzugänglichkeit und eine stabile Verbrennung erzielt.
Platinelektroden bieten hohe Temperatur- und Erosionsfestigkeit- d. h. der Verschleiß ist gering. Somit kann mindestens die doppelte Lebensdauer gegenüber der Standardkerze erwartet werden.
Shorty Spark Plug:
Manufacturer Heat Range:
Electrode Core Material:
Electrode Tip Material:
Insulator Type:
Spark Plug Thread Size:
Spark Plug Reach:
0.460 in.
Spark Plug Seat Style:
Wrench Diameter:
13/16 in.
Ground Strap Quantity:
NGK Part Number:
Sold individually.

Spark Plug, Iridium IX, Tapered Seat, 18mm Thread, .460 in. Reach, Projected Tip, Resistor, Each

The plugs used by winning racers.
These NGK Iridium IX spark plugs feature an ultra fine center electrode that's designed not too thin to ensure maximum durability and life of the spark plug and not too thick for an accurate and consistent spark. They represent the ultimate evolution of spark plug technology and performance. Iridium is significantly stronger than any metal used in spark plugs today. It's the hardest metal used (in fact, iridium is 6 times harder than platinum) which has allowed NGK engineers to design an ultra fine center electrode reducing the voltage requirement for spark.

NGK Iridium Spark Plugs
It may be time to invest in precious metal futures. NGK Iridium Spark Plugs represent the ultimate evolution of spark plug technology and performance. Iridium allows for a center electrode 75 percent the size of a platinum electrode and 24 percent the size of a conventional nickel electrode.
The fine electrode tip is engineered for greater ignitability. And it's in the design of the iridium tip that makes Iridium IX a better spark plug. The electrode is not too thin and not too thick. It's just the right size to reduce the voltage required for spark and to maximize the overall longer life qualities of iridium.
NGK's new Iridium IX is the personification of these qualities and takes premium performance spark plugs to a new level. A level that is expected from the world leader in spark plugs.

We have tried all of the new plugs on the market including split fire, rapid fire, and the new, more expensive, Denzo Iridium Plugs. In each of these cases, we have not found any noticeable increases in 1/4-mile track times with these plugs. We have always came back to the NGK Spark Plugs because they seem to last the longest, and they are not as expensive as any of their competitors. We recommend using NGK Spark Plugs as opposed to generic spark plugs because of their superior quality, minimal expense, and long life.
NGK Iridium Spark Plugs Feature
More Durability and a Higher Melting Point Than Platinum
Better Center Electrode Anti-Oxidation and Anti-Erosion
Improved Ignition
Superior Anti-Fouling
Lower Required Voltage
New Metal Shell Plating Process for Better Anti-Corrosion

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64-73 Ford Mustang Zündkerze
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Kategorie: Motor - Zündanlage
Unterkategorie: Sekundäre Zündung
Produktart: Zündkerze

Platinkerzen bieten bei erschwerten Einsatzbedingungen eine erhöhte Lebensdauer und Zündsicherheit. Sie haben folgende Vorteile:
Der Werkstoff Platin (Edelmetall) gestattet es, die Mittelelektrode sehr dünn zu gestalten. Hierdurch wird der Zündspannungsbedarf reduziert und somit hohe Zündsicherheit erreicht.
Durch die Form der Elektroden wird eine gute Gemischzugänglichkeit und eine stabile Verbrennung erzielt.
Platinelektroden bieten hohe Temperatur- und Erosionsfestigkeit- d. h. der Verschleiß ist gering. Somit kann mindestens die doppelte Lebensdauer gegenüber der Standardkerze erwartet werden.
Shorty Spark Plug:
Manufacturer Heat Range:
Electrode Core Material:
Electrode Tip Material:
Insulator Type:
Spark Plug Thread Size:
Spark Plug Reach:
0.460 in.
Spark Plug Seat Style:
Wrench Diameter:
13/16 in.
Ground Strap Quantity:
NGK Part Number:
Sold individually.

Spark Plug, Iridium IX, Tapered Seat, 18mm Thread, .460 in. Reach, Projected Tip, Resistor, Each

The plugs used by winning racers.
These NGK Iridium IX spark plugs feature an ultra fine center electrode that's designed not too thin to ensure maximum durability and life of the spark plug and not too thick for an accurate and consistent spark. They represent the ultimate evolution of spark plug technology and performance. Iridium is significantly stronger than any metal used in spark plugs today. It's the hardest metal used (in fact, iridium is 6 times harder than platinum) which has allowed NGK engineers to design an ultra fine center electrode reducing the voltage requirement for spark.

NGK Iridium Spark Plugs
It may be time to invest in precious metal futures. NGK Iridium Spark Plugs represent the ultimate evolution of spark plug technology and performance. Iridium allows for a center electrode 75 percent the size of a platinum electrode and 24 percent the size of a conventional nickel electrode.
The fine electrode tip is engineered for greater ignitability. And it's in the design of the iridium tip that makes Iridium IX a better spark plug. The electrode is not too thin and not too thick. It's just the right size to reduce the voltage required for spark and to maximize the overall longer life qualities of iridium.
NGK's new Iridium IX is the personification of these qualities and takes premium performance spark plugs to a new level. A level that is expected from the world leader in spark plugs.

We have tried all of the new plugs on the market including split fire, rapid fire, and the new, more expensive, Denzo Iridium Plugs. In each of these cases, we have not found any noticeable increases in 1/4-mile track times with these plugs. We have always came back to the NGK Spark Plugs because they seem to last the longest, and they are not as expensive as any of their competitors. We recommend using NGK Spark Plugs as opposed to generic spark plugs because of their superior quality, minimal expense, and long life.
NGK Iridium Spark Plugs Feature
More Durability and a Higher Melting Point Than Platinum
Better Center Electrode Anti-Oxidation and Anti-Erosion
Improved Ignition
Superior Anti-Fouling
Lower Required Voltage
New Metal Shell Plating Process for Better Anti-Corrosion

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Customer Evalutation star_outline star_outline star_outline star_outline star_outline
64-73 Ford Mustang Zündkerze
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