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1967 Ford Mustang

1967 Ford Mustang Hood Pin (35267241)


inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Karosserie
Unterkategorie: Motorhaube
Produktart: Haubensicherung

The 1967 Shelby hood pin brackets mount to the radiator support on the brackets which would originally hold the adjustable hood bumpers.

The bracket that is curved goes on the passenger side. This is done to accommodate the offset of the brackets on the radiator support, so that the hood pins end up in the correct location.

The threaded nuts are correctly welded on at a slight angle to accommodate the curvature of the hood.

Price per pair.

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1967 Ford Mustang Hood Pin (35267241)
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Kategorie: Karosserie
Unterkategorie: Motorhaube
Produktart: Haubensicherung

The 1967 Shelby hood pin brackets mount to the radiator support on the brackets which would originally hold the adjustable hood bumpers.

The bracket that is curved goes on the passenger side. This is done to accommodate the offset of the brackets on the radiator support, so that the hood pins end up in the correct location.

The threaded nuts are correctly welded on at a slight angle to accommodate the curvature of the hood.

Price per pair.

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1967 Ford Mustang Hood Pin (35267241)
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