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06-09 Ford Mustang (4.6)

06-09 Ford Mustang (4.6) Motor Luftansaugset


inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Motor - Luft-/Kraftstoff
Unterkategorie: Sportluftfilter
Produktart: Sportluftansaugsystem

Designed to work with the factory computer or one of todays aftermarket
programmers BBK s latest cold air intake kits for the popular 2005-2009 Ford
Mustang delivers as much bang for the buck as our 2005-2009 Throttle Bodies.
Testing on dozens of stock 2005-2009 Ford Mustang GT models has shown consistent
gains of 15-16 rear wheel horsepower with no other add-ons and the stock
computer program. This compares to the 8-9 horsepower BBK engineers noted with
other brand units and a power programmer.
This high level of performance with the stock program is achieved by
utilizing a custom integral mass air housing which is machined into our new
aluminum casting and features a calibration of the factory mass air. While BBK
engineers have seen some gains with a power programmer when used with a variety
of modifications they have not been able to achieve much more than what this
cold air intake kit delivers.
Each BBK Cold Air Intake model has been designed and dyno tested at the
BBK headquarters in Southern California to maximize performance.

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06-09 Ford Mustang (4.6) Motor Luftansaugset
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Kategorie: Motor - Luft-/Kraftstoff
Unterkategorie: Sportluftfilter
Produktart: Sportluftansaugsystem

Designed to work with the factory computer or one of todays aftermarket
programmers BBK s latest cold air intake kits for the popular 2005-2009 Ford
Mustang delivers as much bang for the buck as our 2005-2009 Throttle Bodies.
Testing on dozens of stock 2005-2009 Ford Mustang GT models has shown consistent
gains of 15-16 rear wheel horsepower with no other add-ons and the stock
computer program. This compares to the 8-9 horsepower BBK engineers noted with
other brand units and a power programmer.
This high level of performance with the stock program is achieved by
utilizing a custom integral mass air housing which is machined into our new
aluminum casting and features a calibration of the factory mass air. While BBK
engineers have seen some gains with a power programmer when used with a variety
of modifications they have not been able to achieve much more than what this
cold air intake kit delivers.
Each BBK Cold Air Intake model has been designed and dyno tested at the
BBK headquarters in Southern California to maximize performance.

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06-09 Ford Mustang (4.6) Motor Luftansaugset
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