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67-70 Ford Mustang

67-70 Ford Mustang Lautsprecher - 30 Watt (ohne Klima)


inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Hifi
Unterkategorie: Multimedia
Produktart: Lautsprecher

Good speakers that feature 3 1/2 inch dual cone full range sound. Fits 1967-8 w/o factory air. 30 Watts. Attached to new mounting base. Includes connecting wires. 1967 Mustang (any style)
1967 Mustang Convertible
1967 Mustang Coupe
1967 Mustang Fastback
1967 Mustang Shelby Fastback
1968 Mustang (any style)
1968 Mustang California Special
1968 Mustang Convertible
1968 Mustang Coupe
1968 Mustang Fastback
1968 Mustang Shelby Convertible
1968 Mustang Shelby Fastback
1969 Mustang Convertible
1969 Mustang Coupe
1969 Mustang Fastback / Mach 1
1969 Mustang Shelby Convertible
1969 Mustang Shelby Fastback
1970 Mustang Convertible
1970 Mustang Coupe
1970 Mustang Fastback / Mach 1
1970 Mustang Shelby Convertible
1970 Mustang Shelby Fastback

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67-70 Ford Mustang Lautsprecher - 30 Watt (ohne Klima)
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Kategorie: Hifi
Unterkategorie: Multimedia
Produktart: Lautsprecher

Good speakers that feature 3 1/2 inch dual cone full range sound. Fits 1967-8 w/o factory air. 30 Watts. Attached to new mounting base. Includes connecting wires. 1967 Mustang (any style)
1967 Mustang Convertible
1967 Mustang Coupe
1967 Mustang Fastback
1967 Mustang Shelby Fastback
1968 Mustang (any style)
1968 Mustang California Special
1968 Mustang Convertible
1968 Mustang Coupe
1968 Mustang Fastback
1968 Mustang Shelby Convertible
1968 Mustang Shelby Fastback
1969 Mustang Convertible
1969 Mustang Coupe
1969 Mustang Fastback / Mach 1
1969 Mustang Shelby Convertible
1969 Mustang Shelby Fastback
1970 Mustang Convertible
1970 Mustang Coupe
1970 Mustang Fastback / Mach 1
1970 Mustang Shelby Convertible
1970 Mustang Shelby Fastback

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67-70 Ford Mustang Lautsprecher - 30 Watt (ohne Klima)
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