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64-73 Ford Mustang

64-73 Ford Mustang Hebel Feststellbremse


inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Bremse
Unterkategorie: Feststellbremse
Produktart: Hebel Feststellbremse

Floor Mount Emergency Hand Brake is chromed steel and designed after the
automotive industry standards. Ratchet cut gear plate and lock are heat treated
for strength and safety. Special feature includes 4-point mounting capabilities
for floor mount or side mounting for personal applications. Comes complete with
clevis for installation with Lokar Emergency Brake Cables. Cables are sold
separately. Lever has been designed with durability in mind. Hand Brake measures
10 from end to end.

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64-73 Ford Mustang Hebel Feststellbremse
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Beschreibung expand_more

Kategorie: Bremse
Unterkategorie: Feststellbremse
Produktart: Hebel Feststellbremse

Floor Mount Emergency Hand Brake is chromed steel and designed after the
automotive industry standards. Ratchet cut gear plate and lock are heat treated
for strength and safety. Special feature includes 4-point mounting capabilities
for floor mount or side mounting for personal applications. Comes complete with
clevis for installation with Lokar Emergency Brake Cables. Cables are sold
separately. Lever has been designed with durability in mind. Hand Brake measures
10 from end to end.

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64-73 Ford Mustang Hebel Feststellbremse
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