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65-70 Ford Mustang

65-70 Ford Mustang License Plate Garnish - Ringbrothers - Schwarz Pulverbeschichtet


inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Kategorie: Karosserie
Unterkategorie: Türen
Produktgruppe: Türgriff außen
Produktart: Türgriff Set Außen

Give your doors the Ringbrothers treatment with Ringbrothers Door Handles! This kit gives you the high-end custom look without any modifications. Easy installation involves a direct bolt-on application with the included gaskets. Simply use your original, stock linkage. The door handles are precision machined then treated with a double-plated coating for protection. You have a choice of a chrome finish or black powder coat.
Finish: Black Powder Coat

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65-70 Ford Mustang License Plate Garnish - Ringbrothers - Schwarz Pulverbeschichtet
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Kategorie: Karosserie
Unterkategorie: Türen
Produktgruppe: Türgriff außen
Produktart: Türgriff Set Außen

Give your doors the Ringbrothers treatment with Ringbrothers Door Handles! This kit gives you the high-end custom look without any modifications. Easy installation involves a direct bolt-on application with the included gaskets. Simply use your original, stock linkage. The door handles are precision machined then treated with a double-plated coating for protection. You have a choice of a chrome finish or black powder coat.
Finish: Black Powder Coat

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65-70 Ford Mustang License Plate Garnish - Ringbrothers - Schwarz Pulverbeschichtet
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